Happy Friday Year 10!! 

One week down....WE HAVE GOT THIS!


(Alexa played this whilst I was typing this blog which seemed quite fitting!)

Yes, it's me again. Thanks to those of you that sent nice emails about the blog, they made my day!

I hope your first week of home schooling has been successful, and that you are completeing the work set on SMHW and sending it to your teachers, so they can give you feedback.

I was listening to an interview on the television earlier today (in my break of course) and the reporter mentioned how teenagers, in particular, were feeling most anxious about the current climate which made me think of all you lovely people.

He mentioned that feeling anxious WAS TOTALLY NORMAL. So if you are feeling a little concerned or worried, know that you are not alone.Rest assured that things will get better and I am only an email away, if you want to talk or have any questions or concerns. 

Here are some of the things I am doing to help to look after my own mental health . (Apart from riding a bike, as I am in complete lockdown.)

What's been happening this week.

On a lighter note, how adorable is the latest addition to the Martin household.......

Introducing Rosie-May!!! Thanks Rhiannon for sharing some positivity at a time when we most need it. (The rest of you, please up your game, as I would love to share more with you all.)

I have also emailed your tutors, to find out what they have been doing whilst working from home, and here are some of the messages and pictures they have sent me.

Ms Gallagher has been keeping up her fitness by going for a run! 

Mrs Kandola is getting the balance right too! 

'Hello Year 10. I am trying to get through 4 classes of year 10 exam marking (yes guys we are marking your exams) but taking lots of breaks to practice some batting in the sunshine and trying not to break any windows or fences. 😐  Any batting tips for a beginner are welcome!'

Mr Delaney has been a busy man...

"Hi Year 10! I hope you and your families are all keeping well in these unique times. There are lots of challenges for us all however do try to take the chances where possible to breathe and relax in a way that might not always be possible when we are all busy with "normal life". As for myself, apart from carrying on any teacher duties that I can from home, I am trying to achieve a balance of routine, work and hobbies/relax. As you can see from my picture I have been attempting some paint by numbers and, given that I didn't manage to get a trim from the barbers, I am increasingly resembling the tiger in this picture with my whiskers and mane! I am also taking the chance to read a novel in Italian as well as one or two films and box sets on my list. Like a lot of people I have discovered the Zoom app allowing you to have multiple video face to face calls with family and friends all together at the same time. Myself and 8 friends had a quiz live using the app this week, which was a good way to stay connected with others. So that's all for now Year 10, thinking of you all and wishing you good health in mind and body at this time. Mr Delaney."

Mrs Alvarez and her daughter have been making spreading positivity by making these pretty butterflies.

My cooking skills are slowly improving too.

In my last blog, I mentioned I was having a 'virtual bake off' with a friend. Here is the final product. Hmmmm.... not quite as pretty as I had hoped, but they were very tasty and it was lovely to have a 'virtual lunch date.' Let me know what you guys are doing to keep connected and send me your pics.

Remember, the storm WILL pass.

Mr Kibble shared this email that he recieved from a friend, who teaches in China, and I thought I would share the email with you. It not ony reminded me that the situation will soon pass, but also to appreciate the free time we have.

“We are just finishing our 7th week of E-Learning, seven weeks of being mainly housebound and seven weeks of uncertainty. We are healthy, we are happy, and we are humbled.

We are allowed to move around freely now with a green QR code that we show when we get our temperature taken. You get your temperature taken everywhere, and it's just become part of the routine. Most restaurants and shopping centres are now open, and life is coming back to our city. 

As we watch the rest of the world begin their time inside; here are some of my reflections on the last seven weeks:

1. Accept that you have no control over the situation. Let go of any thoughts of trying to plan too much for the next month or two. Things change so fast. Don't be angry and annoyed at the system. Anxiety goes down, and you make the best of the situation - whatever that might be for you. Accept that this is what it is and things will get easier.

2. Try not to listen to/read/watch too much media. It WILL drive you crazy. There is a thing as too much!

3. The sense of community I have felt during this time is incredible. I could choose who I wanted to spend my energy on - who I wanted to call, message and connect with and found the quality of my relationships has improved.

4. Appreciate this enforced downtime. When do you ever have time like this? I will miss it when we go back to the fast-paced speed of the 'real world'.

5. Time goes fast. I still haven't picked up the ukelele I planned to learn, and there are box set TV shows I haven't watched yet.

6. As a teacher, the relationships I have built with my students have only continued to grow. I have loved seeing how independent they are; filming themselves to respond to tasks while also learning essential life skills such as balance, risk-taking and problem-solving, that even we as adults are still learning.

7. You learn to appreciate the little things; sunshine through the window, flowers blossoming and being able to enjoy a coffee in a cafe.

To those just beginning this journey, You will get through it. Listen to what you are told, follow the rules and look out for each other. There is light at the end of the tunnel.”

Final message for the day.

Have a lovely weekend and god bless! I will send another blog early next week, so please send me any pictures or messages to share with one another.


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