
Showing posts from June, 2020
Happy Friday !! Hello Year 10. I hope you all had a nice break and managed to get some rest after a rather strange and busy half term. You might have heard on the news that the government wants Year 10 students to return to school before the end of term and this is something that the Leadership Team are currently working on. Unfortunately, due to the restrictions and safety measures, we will not all be able to return at the same time but hopefully you will be able to attend school in some capacity before the end of this academic year. Nobody could have ever imagined, when we started back in September, that there would be a pandemic resulting in us not being able to finish the year together but these things are out of our control! Can I just say that I am incredibly impressed at how well you have all dealt with the situation.You are such a resilient bunch and I am so proud to hear how hard you have been working and how well you are coping. This week has seen the start of more T