Happy Friday !!

Hello Year 10. I hope you all had a nice break and managed to get some rest after a rather strange and busy half term.

You might have heard on the news that the government wants Year 10 students to return to school before the end of term and this is something that the Leadership Team are currently working on. Unfortunately, due to the restrictions and safety measures, we will not all be able to return at the same time but hopefully you will be able to attend school in some capacity before the end of this academic year.

Nobody could have ever imagined, when we started back in September, that there would be a pandemic resulting in us not being able to finish the year together but these things are out of our control! Can I just say that I am incredibly impressed at how well you have all dealt with the situation.You are such a resilient bunch and I am so proud to hear how hard you have been working and how well you are coping.

This week has seen the start of more Teams lessons, and I know your teachers were tirelessly planning these over half term. Overall, the feedback from your teachers has been great but it was upsetting to hear a few individuals let themselves down by getting a bit over excited.

Please make sure that you continue to be respectful, just like you are at school, and please thank your teachers at the end of each session. I have always been so impressed at how polite Salesian students are and it was the main reason I really wanted to work at the school, so please continue to shine like the little stars you are.

Long's little update!

Some of you might remember me mentioning in an earlier blog that I was 'shielding', which meant I wasn't allowed to leave my house at all, as I am living with someone who is classified as 'vulnerable'. 

In all honesty, I have really struggled over the past ten weeks at not being able to go outside for walks especially as the weather has been so lovely. This has also been the longest period of time I have not seen my parents for in years.

It made me realize that before the pandemic I had taken simple pleasures, such as walking outdoors in the fresh air, for granted. It's crazy how it takes something like this to make us appreciate life. A few weeks prior to lock-down I was moaning about having to train for a half-marathon and suddenly I wasn't allowed to leave my front door. Just as I was beginning to feel really sorry for myself it came again....Mother Long's voice that always appears in my head when I am feeling like the world is against me. I could hear her saying 'Get on with it Rosie...Trust me, life can get a lot worse!'

I told myself that it's fine to feel frustrated but it's important to put things into perspective so I prayed and thought about all the people in far worse situations then myself. I prayed for the people in hospital battling the awful virus, the families grieving the loss of loved ones and the people who haven't seen their family for months because they have been called upon to work and help others. 

If like me you have found this period challenging for whatever reason, then remember, it's okay to feel this way and there are lots of people you can talk to but do keep thinking of those who are far worse off and keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

On a lighter note, I did get some good news on Sunday and I am now allowed to go for one walk a day!!!!! Yipppeeeee.

Me pretending to enjoy the experience of running 
Wise Mrs Long! 

Long's Legends.

Anyway, enough about me and my boring life.... Let's celebrate you guys and how hard you have been working. Mr Browne has been busy collating all the Long's Legends and sending emails to your parents. If your name appears below then a huge WELL DONE to you! If you haven't been nominated then there is always next week so do not give up.

History Legends

Isabella Wrigley - for always being a superstar and completing all of her History work to the highest standard!
James Gunn - for working exceptionally hard in history and producing some fab home learning.
Henrique E Silva - for well and truly going above and beyond in his history home learning and producing some exceptional pieces of work.
Amelia Lyon - for working so brilliantly hard in her history home learning, for her kind and polite emails and for never giving up!

Ellie Whelan - for being a history superstar, never giving up, being resilient and always striving to improve her history work! 
Louis  Holmes - for absolutely smashing his history home learning and going above and beyond! Top work! 
Amy Moloney - she writes pages and pages, and always tries the hardest exam questions.
Jodie Wasmer -Johnson - for teaching herself all the new content!!!!
•Jasmine Bold - work is always handed in early, and super neat and she is always just a delight to chat to over email. 

Maths Legends

Elliemae Hind
Freya Standley 
•Michael Botha
•John Cubar
•Tillie Harding
•Louise Marr
•Abigail Olorvida
•Skylar Sebastiano
•Aaron Spink
•Kirsty Tana
•Isobella Wootton

Art Legends

Ella Johnson – For great commitment to all of her Artwork. Work is always of high quality and beautifully presented
Jacob White-Sey – Stunning tonal drawings and for a carefully considered response to his artist research  
Katie Walsh – For producing a really detailed and beautiful tonal drawing as well as a vibrant coloured pencil response of a tropical fish
Renee Cully – for fantastic presentation of her sketchbook. A very professional layout with carefully considered annotations and responses
Eden Rivers – for completing her work to a really high standard and committing herself to creating two fantastic Artist research pages
Oscar Niewiarowski – For both of his lovely artist research pages – a lot of thought and care has gone into this work and it’s really well executed

Amelia Price – For her beautiful Artist research pages and responses. Work is always carefully presented and to a wonderful standard

English Legends

•Gabi De Silva 
 Louise Marr for have submitted some really excellent and detailed work from 1022 English Lit. 

Effort and promising engagement with the work/ Conscientious approach towards studies:
•Emilin Augustine
•Sam Bethell
•Sophie Dore
•Chloe Faulkner
•Vincent Fulgencio
•Isabella Herre
•Selina Marretta

•Lola Mausolle
Effort and promising engagement with the work/ Conscientious approach towards studies:
Florence Emmett

 Federica Federico

Sam Fitzpatrick

Louis Holmes

Tyler Livingstone

Josh Punton - always puts in a great effort and challenges himself to improve

Kwame Ossei-Yeboah - thoughtful and considered responses

JJ Cubar - very insightful

Tillie Harding - thorough and clear answer

Elsie O'Connor - insightful and thoughtful analysis

Hali Brodrick - consistently great work

James Selfridge - consistent and thorough analysis

Isabelle Lane - developing some great insights

Isobella Wootton - developing a good level of analysis

Drama Legends

Emilia Costanzo -All of their work is submitted on time and to a great quality! 
Erin Vellucci -All of their work is submitted on time and to a great quality! 
•Leila Robertson - working really hard and making sure to get things completed on time! 

Food Tech Legends

Erin Vellucci- Great dedication to her written work
•Zara Hart-Great culinary skills

History Legends 

All continuinto put in great efforts for history!
Amelia Price
William Marshall
•Sacha Longman
•Joe Wadsworth
•Holly Grammer
•Jake Field
•Rebecca King
•Thomas Hone

Computer Science Legends

For their superb effort with her home learning work in Computer Science over the last few weeks
Isabella Wrigley
Brandon Collins
 Fergus Keane

Sports Studies Legends

•Josh Punton - Exceptionally high standard of work

Jacob Tickner - Great first draft of AEP

Jacob Flower - Responding really well to feedback

•Jamahl Golland - Above and beyond in his AEP. 

The following girls for their constant communication and excellent effort with the AEP coursework: 
•Emma Stokes
•Sofia Encaranecao Pereria
•Libby Maddison-Butcher 
•Matilda Sala 
•Ciara Woodman 
•Freya Stanley 
•Lois Carballeiro 

RE Legend

Katie Walsh - for her perseverance with the RE work set.

French Legends

Eva Briody-working very hard and have completed all the work set. Well done for being on top of things!

Megan Roberts-working very hard and have completed all the work set. Well done for being on top of things!
Nicola Howie-Fantastic attitude and hard work in French.
Isabella Wrigley-Fantastic attitude and hard work in French.
Joe Wandswort-Fantastic attitude and hard work in French.
Zoe Mudd-Fantastic attitude and hard work in French.
Holly Grammer-Fantastic attitude and hard work in French.

Changes to school day

When we do finally all return back to school, the school day will look a little different. 

Hopefully, your parents would have received this information as an email from Mr Kibble,but in case they haven't please let them know of the changes below.

Staff (Teachers)
Staff (Support)
Students (Years 7-11)
Students (Years 12-13)

Therefore, from the start of the next academic year, the timings for the school day will be as follows:

8.45                School starts
8.50 - 9.10       Registration
9.10 - 10.00     Period 1
10.00 - 10.50   Period 2
10.50 - 11.10   Break
11.10 - 12.00   Period 3
12.00 - 12.50   Period 4
12.50 - 1.35     Lunch
1.35 - 2.25       Period 5
2.25 - 3.15       Period 6

Anyway, that's all from me this week. Have a lovely weekend and speak soon.

Ms Long


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