
Showing posts from March, 2020
Happy Friday Year 10!!  One week down....WE HAVE GOT THIS! - (Alexa played this whilst I was typing this blog which seemed quite fitting!) Yes, it's me again . Thanks to those of you that sent nice emails about the blog, they made my day! I hope your first week of home schooling has been successful, and that you are completeing the work set on SMHW and sending it to your teachers, so they can give you feedback. I was listening to an interview on the television earlier today (in my break of course) and the reporter mentioned how teenagers, in particular, were feeling most anxious about the current climate which made me think of all you lovely people. He mentioned that feeling anxious  WAS TOTALLY NORMAL.  So if you are feeling a little concerned or worried, know that you are not alone.Rest assured that things will get better and I am only an email away, if you want to talk or have any questions or concerns.  Here are som
Hello Year 10! I hope day one was a productive one and that you and your families are well and are all social distancing! It's a strange old time at the moment, as I am sure you will agree, but we are all in this together and the sun is shining once again which is an added bonus and a reminder that summer is on its way and that there will be calm after the storm. Us Heads of Year have decided to set up blogs, so we can all communicate with our amazing year groups. So here is mine!! (FYI, I have never made a blog before as you might be able to tell.) I know for some of you (including myself) keeping a structured routine may seem hard, especially with all the tempatations around us like TV, playstation and mobiles. I for one am finding it incredibly hard not to raid the snacks cupboard every two minutes, but I can not stress how important a clear routine is. Not just so you can manage your work load, but also for your emotional and mental wellbeing. My daily routine is as fo